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Fund an NF Camper!

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About Camp NF at Brainy Ridge

The Children’s Tumor Foundation has a goal to sponsor 10 campers and counselors-in-training (CITs) to attend Camp NF at Brainy Ridge Camps in St. George, VA. This incredible camp provides children and teens living with NF, ages 7 to 17, the chance to experience adventure, build friendships, and enjoy a supportive community. The cost for a CIT is $1,100, and for a camper, it’s $1,300. We need your help to make this life-changing opportunity possible for these deserving kids!

Brainy Ridge Inc., offers a variety of programs and projects designed to enrich the lives of children, teens, and young adults living with chronic health conditions. They believe that by building a sense of community, they can help children and teens develop confidence and resilience.

Visit the camp website at

Neurofibromatosis and Epilepsy Camp: July 13 - July 19, 2025